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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Re: 7-1 DCHS

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July 20, 2011 02:23AM
Nekkid1064, I hiked to DCHS on Friday ( yesterday ) and it was hot, around 100 degrees as me and my daughters were hiking in. When we got almost down to DCHS we passed two girls and one guy, young people maybe late teenage years beginning to hike out in the middle of the heat. They looked very hot with red faces and parched, and they were wearing pretty much only their suits and shoes and each were holding a small water bottle ( 8 oz size ) which were mostly empty. The one girl was already feeling dizzy. They were hiking back to the Bowen Ranch and I tried to tell them that they should wait till it was cooler but they said they had to get home. I asked why they had to leave now and the one girls said because the boy had to do homework. So they were putting thier lives in possible jeopardy for homework! Anyway I ended up giving them all the cold water I was carrying which was three 12 oz water bottles. I refilled my bottles from the Crab Cooker source when I got to the creek. The one girl when drinking my cold water said water never tasted so good :-) Hopefully the extra H2O was enough to get them out safely.

Otherwise it was a very nice day at DCHS and a supprisingly light crowd, with everyone mellow and no problem people while we were there. One gal who apparently has been living down there for 21 days as she cited said she was leaving last night. She met some guy down there and a couple of days ago gave him her car keys and a credit card to go get some supplies but he never came back, at least thats the story she was telling. The nice shade tree near the grassy area where people sit, the one with all of the exposed roots from the flooding, has fallen over. A long time regular Dave said some idiot was jumping up and down on the exposed roots when a big one holding the tree snapped and the tree fell over. Wish the fools would just leave things alone and stop damaging stuff.

Even though the mid day temp was hot it was very pleasant sitting in the shade chatting with folks and taking dips in the creek ( now 75 degrees near the Arizona Pool ). When my daughters and I hiked out after the sun had gone behind the hills there were not many people left there. As we were driving down the Bowen Ranch Rd we saw a sherriff vehicle heading up the rd, probably going to the Bowen Ranch for something. We thought maybe it might have something to do with that gal and that guy she gave her car keys and credit card too. Maybe someone who heads up there today will hear about what went on with the sherriffs. Great time at the springs! Today its much hotter so be careful out there. Our postman just stopped by our house and he had me give directions on the phone for going to DCHS to his friend who has been wanting to hike to DCHS, I told him make sure and bring plenty of water :-)

thats super nice of you to do that, i agree they should have listened to you and stayed around till it cooled down but its great to see there are people that do care and are willing to sacrifice for others. And it does suck about people damaging stuff, the thing i hate the most is graffiti and im glad to not see it around deep creek as i see it at some other places i hike to

7-1 DCHS

Wizard2550July 02, 2011 02:20PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

nekkid19641165July 04, 2011 07:10PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Wizard1208July 04, 2011 11:12PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Rick1125July 05, 2011 12:25AM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Wizard1237July 05, 2011 12:48AM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

nekkid19641096July 06, 2011 04:30PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

hiker1286July 06, 2011 10:57PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Paul P.1074July 07, 2011 10:01PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Wizard1091July 07, 2011 11:00PM

Re: 7-1 DCHS

Mark G1672July 20, 2011 02:23AM

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