Hello Sam :-) Yes the creek is back down and you can wade the creek from the beach area across to the hotpools like you do in the warmer months. The sand on the bottom of the creek has moved around in the last couple of weeks since the big flood, some washing away but as of yesterday I was able to cross and in the deepest spot it was just briefly at a level below my chest. Most of the crossing is just above waist deep. The water is very cold right ( temp I didn't check ) but you make it across in less than a minute, with a hotpool to jump in on the other side. This time of year I also bring an empty gallon milk jug to fill with hot water, and when I cross the creek at the end of my visit to the other side the hot water can be used to warm up your body and feet before you dress to go :-)
The Bowen Ranch Rd was graded not to long ago all the way up to the Bowen Ranch. The recent snow and melting has messed it up a bit but I'd say anyone with a two wheel drive vehicle should be able to make it too the Ranch. As of yesterday there was still some snow on the rd with also mud and puddles in spots. Its warmer up here in the desert today so this will probably melt most if not all of the snow off of the Bowern Ranch Rd.