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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Trip Report March 18

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March 19, 2010 06:50AM
Another Great Day at the Springs
No changes from my 8 March report except
The weather has warmed up and at 1 pm when I was leaving there were about 20 people at the springs.
The creek level was above the Serenity Pool and flowing faster than last week.
There is a rope and a raft which has been rigged to allow you to pull yourself across. Works very nicely. It does improve safety for crossing but does detract from the scenic quality.
I did note the warning signs on trash which someone has sprayed on the rocks. It's just as defacing as graffiti although I agree with the sentiment.
The critters are out and there are lots of lizards which means the snakes are not far behind. Beware.
Area was fairly clean. There were 3 tents when I arrived at 730 am. Saw several through hikers footprints on the PCT upstream and one of the tents may have been one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2010 08:22AM by coyote.

Trip Report March 18

coyote2093March 19, 2010 06:50AM

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